Being balanced bill – how to resolve?

So last year I had to goto the emergency room. Claim was processed, I paid what I owed, all was fine.

Then 3 months later I got an additional bill from the hospital, saying I owe another $600. Confused, I pull up the EOB, confirm my portion and then call my insurance (aetna). They confirmed I don't owe more, and said they'll call the hospital.

Several months pass and I get the bill again. This time I call the billing department and they just say this is what I owe, despite me telling them my insurance said I don't owe it. So I call Aetna again and they again confirm the hospital is wrong and assure they will talk to them….

You guessed it, a few months later I get the bill again. This time I call the hospital and dig in further why they are billing me. They basically said their services require a payment of 20%, which Aetna didn't give. I confirmed that the hospital and provider were both in network. So I said I don't care, what does your agreement say? At this point this is between you all, you cannot bill me outside what the insurance says as it's based on your agreement. So I get all three of us on the call, and the Aetna agent again tells them that if you have a dispute with payment , you have to file an appeal but you can't bill the patient.

Now I've gotten final notice from the hospital that they are sending my bill to collections. I'm pretty sure this will have an impact on my credit. What should I do as I'm not sure what options I have now and the hospital isnt listening…

See also  Dependent care FSA question

submitted by /u/Rizakha1