Being asked to pay deductible by pathologist for an exam that is supposed to be 100% covered?

Hi All! I had my annual physical a few months back that is supposed to be 100% covered. This was stated in the paperwork I signed prior to my appointment. During this physical, I had my first ever pap smear done. A few weeks ago, I received a bill from the pathologist office telling me I owed money for the basic tests performed on my sample. My dad works in insurance and he said it will end up being covered since it is part of my physical. So I didn't pay it. I just received a second bill in the mail last week for the same thing. I called my doctor's office, who said they coded the exam correctly as "preventative" and that I should call my insurance company. Called my insurance company, who said I can disregard the bill since It should all be covered and pose no OOP cost to me. Then they called the pathologist, who called me, and said the bill I got is for a deductible fee that I do have to pay. This is my first time dealing with anything like this and it has been very confusing and frustrating for me. My mother and my co workers go to the same medical office as me and said they have never had to pay any fees for their pap smears. I am part of my parent's insurance plan, which is a PPO. It is my understanding that I shouldn't have to pay any deductible for preventative care services? I appreciate any help or advice that this subreddit can provide, as I am still trying to understand insurance as I enter adult life. Thank you!

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submitted by /u/extrakelpfries