BCBS TX Surgery preauthorization approval: different odds between two employer plan options?

Open enrollment for my employer health plan is next week, and I have an upcoming Orthognathic surgery. i'm going through the preauthorization process rounds of appeal right now. My employer offers two BCBS TX PPO options: A regular PPO, and a PPO high deductible/HSA plan. With the high deductible plan and HSA, I'll save about $800 on the premiums over a year and get to reduce my taxable income, plus receive a $800 contribution from my employer. I'll basically save ~2k. The insurance coordinator for my surgeon told me to "make sure" the HSA plan covers the surgery if I switch. I checked the benefits booklet and the language is the same for both re: Orthognathic surgery:

Both plans list orthognathic surgery on the list of services requiring preauthorization

Both plans have the same exclusions, orthognathic surgery is not listed for either.

Nothing else in the booklets mention this surgery. Is there anything else I need to check to make sure the HSA plan covers this surgery? I called BCBS TX and they were very nice but not helpful at all. The rep ran me around for half an hour, TLDR said they didn't know if there was any difference in benefits for this surgery. At one point they coyly said (if i switch to HSA plan) "It may even get approved quicker " ???? I'm not sure what to think or what steps to take next. Does anybody have experience with these types of plans and whether one tends to approve surgeries at a higher rate than the other? Or suggestions for next steps?

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submitted by /u/unauthorizedcuddles