Hello! Just popped by for some advice and or guidance. A friend of mine is having issues determining primary/secondary insurance for her step daughter with BCBS Michigan insurance and BCBS Florida. For context stepmom is older than biological mom and step daughter has been on stepmoms insurance the longest.

The stepdaughter has been on her stepmoms insurance through her employer for a few years as a primary insurance (Michigan). She was also on her step fathers through his employer (another BCBS different state) at the same time but this ended in January with no issues. Her biological mother added her to her insurance through her employer (Florida) in January. Michigan paid for a hospital bill earlier this year until March. Now Michigan nor Florida will pay any of the hospital bills since March stating the other is the primary. Michigan tells the stepmom that since the child is on her biological mothers insurance now it is the primary but biological mothers insurance claims that isn’t the case. What can we do? Neither of them will budge and open enrollment has passed.

submitted by /u/Popsey2

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