BCBS of Michigan states they do not take drug company coupon assistance.

In order to enroll in a drug company coupon assistance I needed to receive coverage from a private insurance company and have my insurance company’s approval in my need to take this drug. I complied with the requirements and received assistance to cover 4 months of prescribe medication of 13 scripts allowed in one calendar year. Walked in to pharmacy to pick up the fifth month of my 30 day script and was denied to purchase at manufactures coupon rate (25.00 dollars) but instead my insurance stated that in order to receive this months supply I would be required to pay insurance rate of 177.00. No prior notice given to me that they “do not take coupons”while I was allowed to use a coupon for 4 previous months. I am well aware that “life isn’t fair” and I am privileged to have Health Insurance in the United States but screw me. Oh wait……. Please, I would appreciate advice how, as a customer, how I can have a voice in this matter. Thank you

submitted by /u/cecefun

See also  Navigator Guide FAQs of the Week: Health Coverage for Small Business Owners and Employees