BCBS Gold vs Bronze ????? Is cost just front loaded on Gold vs Bronze

I am trying to compare a BCBS Gold plan vs BCBS Bronze plan. Using the numbers below I start out $18000 ahead with a bronze plan. I can not see a scenario where it makes any sense to go with the gold plan. Under a low cost scenario if my family had $0 in medical expenses during a year I would come out $18000 ahead with the Bronze plan. Under a high cost scenario if my family had $100,000 in medical expenses during a year distributed equally then the cost to me would be $1500 under the Gold and $14400 under the Bronze but I would have saved $18000 under the Bronze so still be ahead.

It seems the bronze is the best choice in any scenario. Am I missing something ?
Gold costs $3500 per month
$750 per person
$1,500 per family

Out-of-pocket max
$6,000 per person
$12,000 per family

Bronze costs $2000 per month
$7,200 per person
$14,400 per family
Out-of-pocket max
$7,200 per person
$14,400 per family

submitted by /u/oldsock3

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