BCBS dropped insurance with no notice

So basically exactly what the title says. I made a double payment in May. June I did not make a payment because I made a double payment the month before. July I never got anything in the mail stating what my bill was so I called and made the usual payment (it never said what i owed so i just put in the normal amount). August I never got a bill in the mail so I went ahead and made a double payment once again. So now the other day I had some extra money so I made another payment to get ahead on next month.

The payment I made this month was refunded and I thought that was weird so I called to find out why and they told me my account was canceled June 30th…..

I was given no notice in anyway shape or form. They told me I cannot re-enroll until November and that coverage is for next year. My husband and I make 150$ too much a month for medicaid and neither of us qualify for insurance at our jobs yet…

what are we supposed to do?? We have 2 young children. Not having health insurance is just not an option…

I don’t understand why we were dropped when I’ve been making payments. ALSO, why they’ve been continuing to take my money if I don’t have a policy????

Any advice about literally any of this would be greatly appreciated, thank you!

See also  Please help! Can someone explain why I pay $0 for my meds? Kaiser HMO