BCBS AZ Standard Health with Healthchoice has been a nightmare! Am I the only one?
This year is my first year self-employed so I had to buy an ACA healthcare plan so I got the Blue Cross Blue Shield AZ. Standard Health with Healthchoice HMO and it has been nothing but a nightmare.
-It took me 89!!! calls to get a primary care provider because they kept assigning me ones that weren’t even pcps nor seeing patients and their directories are so outdated. They only cover x doctor at y address even though x doctor hasn’t worked at that address in 5 years. You can’t see x doctor at their new address though because that’s not in the BCBS system. So it took 89 tries to find a pcp in the location that their system recognized. This is after I had a ruptured achilles mind you and needed to be seen immediately.
-They have, on multiple occasions, told my providers they are out of network when they aren’t. This resulted in my ankle surgery being canceled. Took another 2 weeks of daily 3 hour phone calls and I saw the same exact surgeon at the same exact hospital bc he was covered after all
-in 3 months, I’ve supposedly caught 3 “system-wide” errors. 2 related to them inaccurately counting deductibles and out of pocket spending. Another was for a false notice they sent to my providers telling them i wasn’t paying my premiums and was on a grace period (they’ve been on auto-pay since day 1 and I’ve never missed a payment.) Each time I call and am like wtf?? it takes weeks to resolve and they will openly admit their systems are messed up but they can’t do anything.
This is just a small smattering of the shit I’ve been dealing with them. I’ve lost countless hours of work and sleep and literally needed therapy from the stress this has taken. It’s been a full-time job being on the phone with them day after day to get things remedied.
I’m considering suing them just because nobody should have to deal with this. I can’t imagine I’m the only one and maybe if there are others there’s potential for a class action. So I guess my question is, does anyone else have this plan? and have you also experienced these issues?