Back-Dating Insurance Start Date following a Qualifying Life Event

Hi all, I am turning 26 in October and am getting kicked off my mom's insurance at the end of the month. I am planning to obtain health insurance under my employer sponsored plan following this, but my employer has indicated that I can't apply for a policy until after I get kicked off my mom's insurance. Then there will be a 1-2 week processing period until I am officially covered. I expressed concern to my HR rep that I would potentially have a 2 week period where I wasn't covered by health insurance. They told me that the start date on the policy would be back-dated to start as soon as my previous policy ended and any medical expenses during that time I would have to pay out-of-pocket and then submit a claim for reimbursement later on.

Is this Back-Dating common practice following a qualifying life event or how do other employers typically handle these scenarios?

I'm in Illinois if that helps!

submitted by /u/bestvoice4

See also  Schrodinger's Medicaid