Baby due February 2024, just found out wife isn’t covered

Hey y’all, hoping someone can help.

My wife and I are due for our second baby in Feb 2024, I switched from being a W2 employee with insurance to 1099 and scrambled to find something. I was dumb enough to get talked into a health sharing plan (Impact Health Sharing). Seemed great at the time, but it’s just been a headache.

Our current provider won’t work with them directly so I’ve been having to manually upload bills to Impact for them to pay it. There’s no way to track progress of whether they’ve received the bills online, only when you call it in.

Anyways, I just found out today that Impact Health Sharing won’t cover any maternity charges because they start covering maternity for moms after 12 months of being a member. We joined Impact in March of 2023…they literally won’t work with us/help us out because we’re going to be at the 11 month mark vs 12 months lol.

Has anyone dealt with something similar where their insurance provider won’t cover a big life event like pregnancy? I use the term “insurance” very lightly becasue they state that they are not considered insurance, just health sharing.

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