Attempting to get for the first time and don’t understand what this section is

My money situation is embarrassingly low and I am trying to get some assistance. I applied on and everything was pretty straightforward until I’m near the end where they state:

“You qualify for a premium tax credit of $440 a month. You can decide how much of this amount you want to use to save on your monthly premium.”

The options for me are to select:

ALL of the tax credit each month.

Good choice if you’re pretty sure your final 2024 income will be about the same as your estimate.

2. SOME of the tax credit each month.

Good choice if it’s likely your final 2024 income will be higher than your estimate.

3. NONE of the tax credit each month.

Good choice if you don’t want to risk having to pay money back on your federal taxes if anything changes.

Some things about me, I have a bad feeling I will make less than what I typed in my 2024 estimated income to be. I’m also counting on getting money back from my taxes due to being lower income and have a bad feeling signing up for healthcare would suck it all up. I just don’t see the clear picture on what these selections mean and about the $440 tax credit.

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