Asshole employer has no paid maternity leave… what do we do?

So my wife is 21 weeks pregnant with out first child. We both have decent paying jobs and don't particularly struggle, but we're not well off. Well we just found out that her job offers no paid maternity leave at all. She didn't sign up for short term disability during open enrollment last year and we're not sure what to do.
It's going to drain all of our savings if she's out of work for 8-12 weeks. We don't have any family that can step in and help with the baby and we can't afford early childcare.
Is it possible to use pregnancy as a qualifying life event to sign up for short term disability? Would we have to wait until after the baby comes to do it, and would they even let us? I've heard that pregnancy can be considered a pre-existing condition and prevent you from getting STD if you didn't have it already.
We're fucked if we don't have some kind of income coming in besides my job…
Has anyone else been in this situation?

submitted by /u/First-Solution-91

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