Are these plans legit? I’m unemployed

I lost my medical coverage last month after being laid off few months ago.

I didn’t know about open enrollment and the time limit to enroll in it. And I don’t qualify for Medicaid in Texas as someone without dependents. I’m 35.

So I started exploring my options.

Most private insurances are giving me something in the range of $250-300 per month.

That is expensive for my budget. I expect to be unemployed for 3-6 months.

So I spoke to a few insurance sales agents and a few of them came up with the following: A. United Healthcare Health Protector Guard – around $100 per month. This sounded like a decent plan. There’s no Deductible. There’s no maximum out of pocket number.

I was almost about to purchase this one until someone said this is indemnity plan and that I won’t get much coverage for worst case scenarios.

B. BCBS Health gold hmo – $500 deductible to meet but apparently not nationwide coverage. Much more affordable. The confusion here is one agent quoted $200 for this and someone else quoted $60.

C. UHC gold standard hmo – no deductible but out of pocket maximum is 9K. It’s around $30

D. Medguard critical insurance – only applicable if in case of critical illness

Do these sound legit? I’m looking for something that offers nationwide coverage and at the lowest price possible. Is the UHC HPG PPO not going to cover things like emergency visits?

submitted by /u/calla21lily

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