Are employers required to offer insurance to family members?

My employer offers health insurance to my husband and stepdaughter, or will when open enrollment comes around. It would cost $1500 for all 3 of us, or $300 for just me.

They currently have marketplace insurance and get a tax credit, because they aren't eligible for any other insurance. Once my open enrollment comes around, they will be eligible for other insurance, meaning they won't be eligible for the tax credit anymore. But $1500/month would place undue financial hardship on our family.

Is there anything that can be done? I asked my HR to just not have the option to enroll them in health insurance, and I was told that's not legal for them to not offer it to me. We really can barely afford the marketplace insurance even with the tax credit–without it, it would be worse. I just don't know what to do.

Edit: I'm 26, in Indiana, my pre-tax income is about $43,000 or so but I don't get paid over summer break.

submitted by /u/AnythingNext3360

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