Apta Health / Southern Scripts – any experiences?

Open enrollment season at work, and we’ve gone self-funded. We apparently have a team at Apta Health that is our one-stop shop for all questions regarding our plan and benefits. We also need to use Apta for setting up referrals and getting preauths for basically everything that isn’t emergency or routine/preventative care. (Except colonoscopies; those need pre auth, even for routine as far as I can tell.) I tried asking HR about some of the finer points, and was told that I’ll have to contact Apta for the answers, but won’t be able to until I have an ID number.

We also need to go through Southern Scripts for all prescriptions. The links provided within our benefits summaries for the two plan options did not instill confidence in me. The one was misspelled and therefore didn’t take me anywhere. The other took me to an insecure website that looked like a high school web design project from 2012.

Has anyone had experience with either of these entities? Because these changes in our benefits may be a tipping point in whether I change careers. (They said it was to save us money, but I would rather pay a higher premium in exchange for not having to make five different calls to get a prescription from a specialist.)

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