Appropriate for provider to bill 99213 with Annual Physical 99392?

My wife took our 4 year old last month to his pediatrician for his annual physical. I recently received an e-mail from the pediatrician’s office saying that I owe $30 for the visit (my copay for office visits). However since this was an annual physical, there should not be a copay so I looked at the EOB for what was being charged. The pediatrician charged 99392 for the annual physical, along with an office visit code 99213 (which is triggering the copay) that had a diagnosis code of R0683 snoring. My wife told me she did ask the doctor about his snoring during the appointment, but it was maybe a 2 minute conversation that resulted in the pediatrician recommending a pediatric ENT group. Over the years in my own annual physicals I have asked my primary care doctor about various issues for myself which included being provided referrals and I was never was charged for anything besides the annual physical code. Is it appropriate here for the pediatrician to bill 99392 plus 99213? For context, this pediatrician is a sole practitioner, not part of a group, so they are probably more directly involved in billing than someone in a group.

submitted by /u/UntangledSeveralty

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