Anything important I should know about using an agent while signing up for marketplace insurance?

Hi everyone, I am quite confused right now trying to navigate this so please be kind. I have googled a lot but still feel like I am missing stuff. I just got off my parents health insurance and am inexperienced when it comes to this stuff.

The health insurance my work offers is 19% of my pre tax income and has AWFUL benefits. I am currently signed up under it. I am trying to find something cheaper or at least with better coverage.

I have looked at some and it seems like so much information and very confusing. My work gave me a contact to an insurance agent that works with a company that seems to offer help obtaining insurance for small companies and individuals. I have contacted the person and am waiting on a response.

Anything important I should be aware of or I need to watch out for? This agent and company seems legit (but limited info) but I am cautious after being contacted by several people claiming to help with insurance though marketplace who I am pretty confident were scammers (lots of red flags, I didn’t give them any info). A lot of my local Facebook groups and the nextdoor app have people posting hourly about offering help finding insurance with profiles that look questionable so I am definitely trying to be on the safe side since i assume I will have to give them lots of personal info. Thanks!

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