Anybody know how to actually receive care (in CA)

We're dealing with Medi-Cal. I had to take my wife to Urgent Care and then the ER twice in 2 days. Her abdomen was very swollen (she's very petite, but her belly looks like she is about 6 months pregnant).

First trip: last Sunday (night 4/14) she went to urgent care in the morning. They were "very concerned" and told her to go to the ER. I took her to the ER shortly after she got home that afternoon. We waited for hours for them to actually do anything: a CT Scan around midnight. Then they sent us home at about 1am. They told her to follow up with her Dr. When we got home, my mother-in-law (in town visiting) was confused as to why they didn't actually do anything to relieve whatever is going on. My father-in-law, who works in an ER in another state, was livid, saying that they should have drained whatever is in her abdomen and run tests.

Second trip: my mother-in-law took her back the next day. The intake nurse looked at the info from the night before and said, "They should have admitted you." This time they drained about a liter and a half of fluid from her abdomen and told her to see her Dr asap. The Dr was concerned as the CT Scan shows a couple masses.

She got in to see her Dr on Tues afternoon. He was, once again, very concerned. Would be calling with results "soon." He called her Thurs late afternoon while she was driving our daughter to dance. The test results are "suspicious for cancer," so, obviously we would like to see an oncologist and get things going asap to confirm a diagnosis, etc.

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Insurance won't approve an oncologist because whoever the Dr has referred isn't in-network, even though they say they are in network, but apparently within the network whatever group it is isn't accepted, so we try someone else, same thing, and nobody can find anyone that is in network and in group. So… anybody know WTF we're supposed to do?!?

submitted by /u/Bababoofa