Any options when insurance won’t cover a drug?

I am a person with bipolar disorder and was recently prescribed a drug called Caplyta, which is new to the market as of the end of 2022 I think. It has been working tremendously for me. My insurance has refused to cover it (which I’m not surprised about), but now I’m feeling sorely that I’ll need to try again with something else. I’ve been diagnosed with this for > 10 years and have never felt this peaceful. Im looking at $1500 or so for a 30 day supply if I want to stay on it long term.

Are there any other options for people like me? I am not receiving any disability benefits or anything, just have a HSA that I basically only keep enough money in to cover my $160 copay at the psychiatrist’s office every month. $5000 deductible which I think I’ve only paid about $1000 into this year. Doc has said he’ll give me samples for a few months until I’m more stable, then I’ll go back to one of the other crappy antipsychotics so I can gain 30 pounds and be sleepy all the time. 🙂

See also  Have to pay $1000. Please help!