Any better alternative to ?

Looking to see if anyone has found a better alternative to plans. I quit corporate ~4-5 years ago to become a first gen farmer, and one of the biggest hits to our personal finances has been the insane premiums on healthcare costs, ballooning from ~$3-4K/year in corporate to ~$20K/year self employed. Premiums typically range from $1K-1.5K on $13K deductible plans, with no real coverage until deductible is met (and no dental). The past 5 year's we've averaged ~$6K out of pocket expenses annually, primarily dental, annual bloodwork, & normal illnesses (ear infections, sinus infection, etc.).

As background, we are a family of 4 with ages of 33, 31, 6, & 4 – no tobacco use, no large health problems. We do qualify for ~$735/mo of the tax credit, but even so premiums are over $1K/mo on plans with deductibles of $13K+. Other complaint is they are limited to our state (NE), even though we are significantly closer to better healthcare in the front range of CO.
Below are the 3 options offered that are eligible for HSA for 2024:

submitted by /u/WNebHusker

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