Any advice re insurance in WA and T1D supplies?

I asked this in the type 1 diabetes communities but was recommended to also ask in general health insurance. I’m in WA and starting a new job and losing my existing health insurance from my previous employer and need to find a new one. My new job doesn’t offer benefits (small org) and my husband is a dad & does part time freelance work, so we need to find health insurance in the general marketplace. Will need to cover Dexcom CGM, insulin (Fiasp) and Tandem pump for my T1D husband, oplus me and my kid. In the past we’ve had some bad experiences with various durable medical device suppliers, insurance bad at processing preauthorizations, etc. I’ve never used an insurance broker, insurance has always come via employment before – is that something we should use? Are brokers actually legit and how do we choose one? Any tips or insurance companies to absolutely avoid? Really appreciate any advice.

submitted by /u/Elleeell

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