Anthem Gold PPO or UHC Choice Plus?

Hi, I’m helping my parents choose a plan as they don’t understand English well. We’re in California.

My mom’s employer and offering ANTHEM Gold PPO 35/3000/20%

$3,000 deductible; $600 RX deductible; $16000 out of pocket max

Your choice of doctors w/o referral Preventative care covered 100% $35 copay PCP $60 copay specialist $15 copay Lab work $60 copay urgent care $15 generic RX copay – deductible does not apply $35 mental health copay $250 ER copay – copay waived if admitted, then 20% coinsurance. $35 acupuncture copay (if covered for my chronic skin conditions, unclear if skin is covered by insurance)

2. My dads employer offers UHC Choice Plus 3,400/20%/HSA eligible. This is what we’re currently on.

No copays Preventative care is covered 100% Your choice of doctors w/o referral $3,400 deductible 20% co insurance after meeting deductible $9000 out of pocket maximum $1000 employer contribution into your HSA “Acupuncture for skin is not covered”

-My parents only get preventative care but my dad is on high blood pressure medication.

-My brother had to visit the ER a couple times past couple years for injuries

-I get immunotherapy (allergy shots) which costs $2,500 for the prescription antigen (made once a year) and $40 for weekly injections of the antigen (*the injections are not an office visit, billed as something else, if anyone knows about that let me know). Would this antigen go towards the general deductible or RX deductible under the Anthem plan?

-I have skin conditions that I treat with acupuncture but I just count on it not being covered by insurance usually…….

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-Id like to see the ENT again for my ear problems – not urgent.

-I’d like to do psychotherapy (mental health) again and my brother as well – not urgent.

-I go to urgent care 1-2 times a year.

Thoughts on which we should choose? I don’t know the premiums though. I believe the UHC monthly contribution is $332 for us. I live across the state from my parents so we’re doing this all over the phone so this is all the info I have right now.

Thanks so much for your time and help. I really appreciate it.