Annual exam billed as office visit

Hi everyone I am wondering whether I can get some advice regarding a situation I had experienced recently. This year is my first year off my parents plan which was a Medicaid so it covered everything and I didn’t have to deal with a lot of the insurance issue. Now I have a plan through my employer. And the only thing covered is a free annual exam. When I booked an appt with my new provider at a new facility, I specifically ask them to book it as an annual because that’s the only free thing covered under insurance. However after my visit I was bill for almost 200 copay for the visit. I called my insurance and ask why I didn’t get full coverage for this visit. According to the insurance it was because the visit was billed as an regular doc visit. I expected some charge because I asked for extra blood work. However I was expecting the doctor fee to be covered completely or some blood work to be covered. So apparently the reason they coded it was because my doctor make the note of shoulder pain and my past history of twisted ankle with chronic pain. However I was in no way aware that by answering my doctors question will lead to this. Is there any way I can fight this? And how do I fight this?

submitted by /u/No-Technology6

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