Am I making a mistake by sitting on this?

I got a series of 4 rabies shots back in the fall so 4x ER visits for the initial visit + 3 for repeat vaccinations.

My last visit was miscoded as preventative vs post exposure, so I believe that is why insurance did not cover it. I see the EOB is denied and I may be on the hook for $4,000.

I get the EOB denial, so I call the insurance and they’re very vague. This is in late Nov/Early Dec.

I call the hospital I had treatment at and tell them that there was something incorrect about the coding and my claim got denied. That I’d had two encounters prior to that with the exact same treatment that was coded correctly and my insurance accepted and asked if they would resubmit and could reference the prior encounters.

They said they’ll do that, and I haven’t gotten a bill, but I have been checking the patient portal to make sure a bill has not been posted.

Its now March (so it has been about 4 months) I haven’t heard anything. I don’t really know how to proceed if they resubmitted the codes or if my insurance is holding it up or who or what to say next. I have some other things in my life going on right now that need my attention, and I’ll be very busy for the next 2-3 months. I plan to see if anything changes and will revisit heavily in June.

So why I’m here… do you guys think it is a mistake to sit on this until the summer when I have more time to deal with bureaucracy? Second question is: what should my next move be? Should I reach out to insurance to see if they have the recoded claim and if they don’t contact the hospital again or should I talk to the hospital again?

See also  Bill Forgiveness for Infusion Therapy?

Thanks in advance for all of your help. I really appreciate the group.