Am I letting my health insurance hold me back or does it have to be this way

I have Medicaid so I keep my income under the level in order to keep it. I don’t have a job that offers insurance but I really like my job and want to keep it and it also gives the flexibility I need. I have health problems that require me to need insurance so I make sure not to exceed the amount to keep Medicaid (although I wouldn’t be able to go much over it with my job anyway). I want to get another job on top of it and make more but I don’t want to make too much and then lose my insurance and then what I make would go toward medical payments. And I don’t know how exactly to look into other insurance but what I have found seems expensive. If I found a really well paying job on top of my other job would be the only way I could imagine it working out and then I’d be working all the time. But I wonder if that would be better than living how I am now not having enough.

But how do I even look into other insurance options? It’s so confusing and I don’t understand it. Please don’t try to say it’s not hard because it is to me. I’ve been dealing with this for so long now and have been too afraid to ask because it seems silly not to know how to look it up myself but I don’t and I’m desperate. I get so overwhelmed just trying to figure it out. I don’t understand any of the terms or anything and everything overwhelms me. I just don’t know.

See also  My new job offers two types of insurance, and I have a shoulder injury. It seems like I'm screwed no matter which plan I choose...any help is appreciated.

(I’m sorry I don’t know if I explained any of this right. I’ve wanted to ask this for a couple years now and haven’t and still am not wording it right- I am autistic and have been kind of having mental breakdowns a lot here lately. I’m pretty burnt out and just stressed.)

submitted by /u/silly_bandz_ya