This is so annoying.

I have Medi-cal that I didn't even realize was still active until recently.

I've gotten married since having Anthem Medi-Cal and my husband makes enough yearly that I wouldn't be eligible for Medi-Cal. We have insurance through his employer. I have also since moved to a new county since we have been married.

I learned I still had Medi-Cal when I called the number on our Anthem Blue Cross insurance card and they only recognized me from my old county zip code and then would transfer me to the Medi-Cal Anthem.

I was annoyed so I called my old county and requested they cancel my Medi-Cal. I told them I've been married since then and my household income has changed. They told me it would be canceled by the end of the month.

Then a month or so later I went to the ER and we got a huge bill, about $3000. Then a few weeks after that we got an updated bill that was $300. We didn't understand why but we just went with it.

Then later when I was in Labor and Delivery for an emergency check up, the billing lady told me my Medi-Cal has been being charged and paying for these bills. She told me Medi-Cal is really bad at cancellations and it took her 4 years to get hers canceled.

So… I don't know what to do. I called and canceled, they said they would, they knew my situation and they never did.

We are having a baby in a couple months so this is a huge deciding factor on whether or not I do a home birth or a hospital birth. If Medi-Cal is in the picture then a hospital birth will be close to nothing. If my husbands insurance is the only insurance we have then it will be more expensive to do a hospital birth than a home birth.

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What should I do? Is this fraud? Should I leave it be and let them cover our otherwise expensive hospital bills?

submitted by /u/Visible_Beginning_63