All my insurance claims are denied – ALL OF THEM! They say I have a different insurance that would cover everything, but I don’t!

I am so fucking tired of Blue Cross Blue Sheild. My mom had to put me on her insurance because United was charging by dad 400 a month for my premium because I have a disability (which is illegal) and they violated HIPAA, multiple times. However, when I swapped to BCBS we went to 80 dollars per person, and it has pretty good coverage. However they keep saying something about an denial based off of insurance conflict. I have no other insurance, and I haven't even had United since 2019. So I currently have a bill of 600 dollars for my nuerology appointment and to see a PA because our urgen care center sucks ass – they ended up putting me in the ER because they refused to prescribe the right antibiotics, which cost me 4000k. I don't have any income because I am disabled and in college, so what am I supposed to do when they refuse to cover 100% of everything, including medications. I take gabapentin for CRPS, it's not like I can stop and it costs close to 200 dollars out of pocket, and forget it, my epipens will cost me 2000.

Not to mention, my Doctor wants to get a full spine and a brain MRI because I broke my neck in 2015 and haven't had an MRI since 2017 and the recommendation when I transferred from pediatric nuerology was to have an MRI every 3 years to monitor the traumatic chirari malformation that I developed after the accident that nearly killed me. They keep wanting 4 more months of PT but I have done 4 months twice once with United and once with BCBS and they still won't cover it because with CRPS you get better with PT and OT, but I still was having daily headaches and migraines, and pins and needles.

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I don't know what to do at this time. It's not like there's any affordable option except the county health clinic, and I need to get my medical shit in order before I go an take the MCATS next fall (2024) because I may be living out of state, and my insurance doesn't work out of state so I will either have no insurance for 4 years or will need to get insurance through the University I would go to if I get in.

submitted by /u/CooperHChurch427