So I'm losing Medicaid in a week and have been looking for affordable health insurance. I have 3 kids and they are on coverkids so I don't have to get insurance for them. I am offered insurance through my work with cost me 37 every 2 weeks and my employer 149 every 2 weeks which isn't bad but I have to meet a 5,800 deductible before it will help with dr. visits and meds. I will not go to the dr. enough to make that deductible unless I was to have some hospital visit every year which I haven't since my last daughters birth 6 years ago. It almost seems cheaper to just not get health insurance since my regular pcp visit for cash is 70 a visit and labs are 15 each. My plan offered does meet minimum essential standards but says that it doesn't meet minimum value standards. My question though is there an affordable health plan that helps before you meet deductible for dr. visits and meds?

submitted by /u/winm3

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