Aetna typed in wrong CPT Code — interposed two digits — was correct on provider’s bills

This is totally on them. Caused them to reimburse somewhat less than they should have (reimbursements go by check to me). The correct code and the one they typed in are not even close to each other in terms of ailments. Even if the money were even, I would still want them to correct since my medical record shows something completely wrong.

A thousand calls and messages later, asking them to fix the code, and a thousand dumb answers from them later (you know you get a new person each time, right?)…

…they send me a letter asking me to send them back the money. Why? Services never rendered, like the doctor and I are thieves or something. Are they too stupid to fix this in one move?

At this point I'm not even sure if they are just asking for the money back and making it my problem, or if they intend to actually fix things but just need to do it in two steps. I have two different bureaus from my state involved, and a ton of contact from me personally. This company just does not care.

When I have had a problem with, say, a utility, and it got bad enough to get the state regulator to contact them, it was fixed in two minutes by a higher-level, knowledgeable person. Not like this.

submitted by /u/jason3212

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