Hey everyone! Have a question. I’m in CT and recently changed jobs, so my new employer only offers Aetna POS. I’m technically still on insurance coverage for my old job which was Aetna PPO. That will not expire until December, after which time I’m trying to decide if I should pay out of pocket for COBRA to keep the PPO. I’ve never been on a POS plan so I’m a little nervous! I love the PPO because of freedom of choice with providers. I don’t know about y’all, but it is REALLY hard to find genuinely GOOD, competent doctors where I live. I’m really nervous about two things with making the switch. First, having to waste time going to a PCP to see specialists which I do not have now with the PPO plan. I don’t have a lot of health problems but when I need to see a dermatologist or an endocrinologist, I don’t want to have to justify my health care with a PCP. Second, does anyone know if the prescription costs will be the same or likely higher with POS vs PPO? Any insights will be greatly appreciated!

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