At the start of last year Aetna decided to narrow their network which excluded my therapist who I’ve seen for ten years. My therapist fought like crazy for months to be added back to the network. Finally five months later we are told she is now in network and I can resume sessions. A few months go by and my therapist tells me she hasn’t received any payment and she’s sorry but had to send me a $1,000 bill since Aetna denied the claims.

I look up my therapist on the Aetna provider site, which says she’s covered. I call and talk to many customer service agents who can’t tell me what’s wrong. Finally my dr. figures out that when adding her back to the network someone at Aetna entered her tax ID number wrong. Now when she submits a claims with her correct ID it gets rejected.

Both she and I have spent hours on the phone with agents and no one can tell us who the heck can correct the ID number. Meanwhile I can’t receive treatment for my OCD. I’ve asked to escalate to supervisors and I’ve asked to file complaints and the agents just tell me that’s not available.

I’m at a loss and have no idea what to do now.

See also  Navigating Small Business Open Enrollment