Aetna Choice POS II versus UHC Choice Plus

Hello – I’m sure there are many open enrollment questions so thank you in advance for comments!

My husband and I are choosing between plans (Aetna Choice POS II v UHC Choice Plus).

Side by side, for the $500 deductible plan, the PCP and specialist costs are the same +/- ; the UHC plan is cheaper by premiums (my company subsidizes a higher amount).

Here’s where I’m looking for help deciding:

UHC has a bad reputation and I have not loved being on a UHC plan from previously Aetna and BCBS

The UHC plan covers 90% of maternity hospitalization, hospital admissions and surgeries

The Aetna plan covers 80% (the plan sheet doesn’t tell me of what, so I assume that’s 80% of most things)

Out of pocket max is 4,000 for UHC and 3,500 for Aetna

Here’s the kicker, I am currently on the $2,000 UHC deductible plan because it covers 100% of aforementioned maternity, hospitalizations, surgeries and the out of pocket max is still $4,000. Because we plan on getting pregnant, I think I’d rather stick with UHC $2,000 because it’ll get more coverage and the out of pocket max is basically the same but I really don’t know if I’m thinking about this in the right way. Or with Aetna, the OOP max is lower but the premium is higher.

If you exceed the OOP max does that mean insurance covers everything? How does that work?

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