Advice w choosing 1st health insurance plan w job

I’m a 20 y/o female in Houston. I started a new job that offers health insurance. It’s with CIGNA I believe and they offer 3 plans. For background I take allergy & vitamin d medication, I need to see and ENT specialist soon, and I might need DJS in 1-3 years. I’m just having a hard time choosing a plan bc this is my first time I’m getting health insurance on my own & I want to make the smartest financial decision for these health concerns I will have to address. Especially since I do go to the doctor like once every 4 months ngl.


“DEDUCTIBLE 👇” – $750 individual in network-CC – $1500 out of network-CC – $1600 individual in network- HSA – $2800 out of network- HSA “OUT OF POCKET MAX” 👇 – $2500 individual in network-CC – $7500 individual out of network- CC – $3200 individual in network- HSA – $5000 individual out of network- HSA “PREVENTATIVE SERVICES”👇 – No charge in network- CC – 40% AD out of network- CC – No charge in network- HSA – 30% AD out of network- HSA PCP SPECIALISTS VISIT👇 – $20-$30 in network- CC – 40% AD out of network- CC – 10% AD in network- HSA – 30% AD out of network- HSA DIAGNOSTIC TESTS 👇 – $30 & X-Ray 20% AD in network- CC – 40% AD out of network- CC – 10% AD in network-HSA – 30% AD out of network- HSA IMAGING 👇 – 20% AD in network-CC – 40% AD out of network- CC – 10% AD in network- HSA – 30% AD out of network- HSA INPATIENT/OUTPATIENT👇 – 20% AD in network- CC – 40% AD out of network- CC – 10% AD in network- HSA – 30% AD out of network-HSA URGENT CARE 👇 – $30in network- CC – 40% AD out of network- CC – $30 AD in network- HSA – 30% AD out of network-HSA EMERGENCY ROOM 👇 – 20% AD- CC – 10% AD- HSA MENTAL OFFICE VISITS 👇 – No charge I. Network CC – 40% AD out of network- CC – no charge AD in network- HSA – 30% AD in network- HSA THERAPY👇 – $30 per visit in network- CC – 40% AD out of network- CC – 10% AD in network- HSA – 30% AD out of network- HSA PRESCRIPTIONS 👇 – Generic $10 – CC – Preferred brand $25- CC – Non preferred brand $45- CC – Speciality $0 copay w prudentRX or 30%- CC – Generic $15- HSA – Preferred brand $35-HSA – Non preferred brand $60-HSA – Speciality 50% up to $100 AD-HSA

See also  Provider/insurance discrepancy

submitted by /u/ebtshordie