Advice needed: Planning for coverage in case of returning to the US

I'm a 31yo American who does contract work internationally, and my country of work changes frequently. I usually have decent health insurance through my work, but as my employer / country of work often changes, so does my insurance provider. I also have breaks in coverage occasionally, e.g., if I'm on a contract break.

I would like to ensure that I have care options in the US that won't bankrupt me if I were to get a serious, long-term illness. My family lives in Washington State, so if I were sick, I would likely return there. For example, if I required cancer care and couldn't work, what would my options be? My understanding is that I'd have to go through the marketplace, which doesn't have great coverage? Is that the only option?

I'm not very familiar with US health insurance processes, as I don't spend much time in the US anymore. I'd love any advice about how you would plan for this if you were in my situation.

submitted by /u/SuggestionFun2130

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