Adult child of divorce losing coverage- what are my options?

Hello, I’m 22 and my parents finalized their divorce a few days ago. Until this point, I have been covered on my father’s health insurance policy. It was my understanding that I would be covered until I was 26, but my dad called me today and informed me that when he updates his information with Blue Cross to reflect the divorce/ being unmarried, I will be taken off of the policy. He says that I can no longer stay covered under him because I am over 18 and not a student- therefore, not a dependent. He claims this is the wording of his insurance plan/policy. If it makes a difference, the plan is under Blue Cross/Blue Shield but he is enrolled through his employer. I have very little knowledge of or experience dealing with insurance and finding a plan, and I need insurance ASAP as I have doctors’ appointments approaching in the next couple of weeks. I am only working a part-time job and can’t get insured through my employer. I live with my boyfriend who could add me to his policy that he has through his employer, but he would have to wait for open enrollment (which just closed).

I have a few questions: – I thought that being dependent didn't play a role in staying on your parent's plan until 26 and anyone could do that. Does a divorce or other life event change these rules? – Will there be a sort of grace period where it will take a couple months to change, or will I be taken off his plan effective immediately? – Would it be better for me to enroll in a short-term plan until I can either find insurance through a different job or my boyfriend can put me on his plan, or should I wait for enrollment for a plan in the affordable care act?

See also  QLE and out of pocket max

I apologize if these seem like silly questions. I am very uninformed and trying to navigate this however I can. Thanks for reading and for any advice you can provide. 🙂

submitted by /u/AdSuch4386