Additional disability and medical (Aflac) option

My employer offers additional short-term disability insurance, as well as accident-only supplemental insurance and a critical care supplemental option. I’m not young, but not old, and have no spouse or dependent on my main insurance plan. No pre-existing conditions, though a couple family members have had cancer in their older years, and I’m in generally good health.

I know there’s no way to know when and what might happen to me. But I’m considering backing off the more comprehensive options, and going with just an accident only supplement this enrollment cycle. My thinking is that I can always bump up my coverage in a few years or so. The only consideration there is that the plan cost per pay period will never increase, so I can stay locked in now and just pay it, or re-enroll later at some unknown cost.

What are some factors that I might not be considering? If I can afford the extra buy up now, should I just keep paying it, knowing that I might not really need anything until I’m older but keep that piece of mind and locked in rate? Or is it generally overkill, and worth reevaluating in a few years, so I can save a little money now even if I reenter that more comprehensive plan at a presumably, even if slightly, higher rate?

Hope that makes sense and appreciate any insights people could offer. I know none of us have crystal balls, lol.

ETA: late 40s, MD, salary between $150-200k

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