Accidentally started a second medicaid application. Will this affect my original app that I submitted?

It’s been a while since I applied the first time and now both mine and my kid’s benefits have ended, as I failed to respond to their notices. (Which is actually untrue. I responded through the physical form they sent in the mail. They continued to send notices. I was unable to login to my account. So I created a new account and submitted a new application.)

However… I accidentally started a second medicaid application for my daughter, not realizing I had already applied and submitted for her under my original application. I didn’t get far in the application when I stopped, and obviously I haven’t submitted it, but it still exists and is “in progress”. I cannot delete it. Will this affect my original submitted application? I’m getting anxious as I’m due with baby number 2 in about a month, and it’s been about 40 (business) days since the application was submitted. Online says it takes 45 days but it’s definitely been longer than that if you count weekends.

submitted by /u/MarbellaNiaps

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