Accidentally left spouse on health insurance after the divorce

I need help! I just realized I accidentally left my spouse on my health insurance after our divorce last year. A pure accident… I thought that my work automatically notified insurance when they found out (I pay child support through my part check). My spouse didn’t see a doctor but accidentally used it for just a few prescriptions over the past year. She and me didn’t realize it was going through my insurance. I’m worried sick and now have no idea where to go from here? Do I just take her off right now during open enrollment? Do they ask a lot of questions? She’s getting her own insurance right now because it’s also open enrollment at her work. Do we do that first then take her off mine? Or cancel mine then she gets hers? We really dropped the ball this year with the divorce and moving. She didn’t think it would affect things since she didn’t see any doctors she thought she had no insurance. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/Kbean515

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