ACA regular and HDHP plans – basically same price but why?

I'm confused about the value of an HDHP / HSA plan. It seems like it makes no financial sense. But maybe someone can clarify.

I'm looking right now at two HMO bronze plans from the same insurance company with the same network and all that. They're effectively the same monthly price but one is an HSA plan.

The deductible is the same. The MOOP for the non-HSA plan is $2k higher.

The non-HSA plan provides flat rates for a number of visit types and generic drugs (before deductible reached). The HSA plan obviously pays nothing until the deductible.

How does it make financial sense to use the HSA plan? The regular plan provides a bunch of good "discounts" on visits and generic drugs. You're paying out of pocket for those in the HDHP plan.

They both have a roughly similar MOOP.

It really seems like the HSA plan should be dramatically cheaper. This is confusing to me.

submitted by /u/LakeTwo

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