About how much is an Orthopedic consult after insurance?

I sprained my ankle last Nov and urgent care referred me to an orthopedic surgeon. I had that appt in Dec and he spent 5-10 min looking at my ankle, moving it around, and having my push against his hand to see how much strength was there. Ended up just telling me to elevate it and wear a brace like I've been doing.

Well, I got the bill today. $1034 for the appointment – $20 copay – $466.10 insurance covered. I owe $547.90.
I don't recall ever having to go to a specialty Dr. before so have no idea how much it's supposed to be. I called the office and they said that's correct. My insurance said based on what was billed they paid the right amount.. It was all in network. Other posts show ppl pay $100-200 after insurance so I just wanted to see if something sounds off.

(I already paid for my urgent care visit + xrays ~$300; on BCBS PPO if that makes a difference)

Any input in appreciated.

submitted by /u/rienda_x

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