Looking for advice: I (CA, 28 yo, Income now $37K, going to $73K, single) currently have a student health insurance plan which ends at the end of the "summer quarter" on Sept 22. I have a job offer and a start date of Oct 1. Haven't yet enrolled for benefits yet but I expect the same start date for my employer health insurance plan. Both are in California

I asked if I could have my student plan extended and they said I could buy another quarter ($1500), which is ridiculous to get eight days of coverage. Not sure if it is even possible to get early coverage from my employer, but that would also be prohibitively expensive based on the premium for one month.

The cheapest high deductible plan I can find on the exchange is $140 for one month. Is that my only option? I might still risk going without for 8 days but on the off chance I end up in the ER or something I don't want to be stuck with massive bills. Also its not super clear to me if it is illegal to go without for this amount of time and if I will owe a fine.

submitted by /u/Outside-Health8540

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