37 weeks pregnant, possible lapse in insurance coverage

HI! Hoping to find some help and/or reassurance here.

Some context before I dive into the situation:
– I'm in Washington State (Seattle)
– I am 37 weeks pregnant, showing signs of labor any day now (due date May 17th).
– I'm switching from employer-provided insurance to a marketplace plan

I recently left my job, which means I had an opportunity to change insurance. We decided our best option for covering the birth would be to switch to a Kaiser Marketplace plan. We liked the Kaiser model of care when we were on it for my first child, but had to switch because my employer did not have Kaiser Washington available.

When leaving my job, I had a pretty long notice period. I decided to leave in late February, with an intended end date of mid-March. Due to some project delays, that end date got moved to the beginning of April.

Before I knew about the new end date for my job, I applied and was approved for coverage through Washington Health Plan Finder (the WA state marketplace), with the start date of coverage being April 1st. With my coverage through my employer now ending April 30th, I technically would not qualify for a loss of coverage special enrollment period until that coverage ended (as I understand it).

I've spent upwards of 8 hours on the phone in the past month with Kaiser and WashingtonHealthPlanFinder trying to figure out how to change my start-of-coverage date to May 1st. I had an open ticket with WashingtonHealthPlanFinder to change my coverage dates that stayed stagnant for 3 weeks.

I paid my first Kaiser insurance premium, which, because of the start date, supposedly only pays for April, but SHOULD pay for May (because the start date should be May). I started seeing my new Kaiser providers right on May 1st, so I could establish care before actually having the baby (which could happen any minute).

See also  Employer vs Marketplace

Today, I called again, begging them to figure it out, and they flagged my ticket as "medically urgent". At around 3pm today, I got an email notice that my coverage has been terminated. What I *think* happened is they started to fix the problem, and then went home for the weekend. Their support line is not back open until Monday.

But from all the information I have available to me, it appears that I have no insurance coverage and I am really panicked, as I'm already somewhat dilated and have already had some on and off contractions. It's not out of the question that I could go into labor this weekend.

Here's what I would love some reassurance or answers to:

Do I have coverage right now? Is there anything I can do to ensure I have coverage in the event I go into labor in the next few days?
Is there any support system I can contact over the the weekend?
When they finally do figure things out, will my coverage be retroactive (ie. will it start on May 1st, or, since they terminated it, will it start when they submit the change?)
What are the chances that if I go into labor over the weekend I will be required to pay out of pocket for the entire birth and associated services? submitted by /u/chexee