✨Please help me figure this out!✨

✅I am Electing Florida BCBS through my employer (they offer IVF benefits) it’s 34 dollars a paycheck and I chose the highest deductible/max oop since I’m going to be using a secondary and tertiary insurance (see below)

✅We are also electing anthem BCBS with my husband’s job (with a 25k lifetime max IVF coverage) It’s 57 dollars a pay check for both of us. And we also choose the plan with the highest deductible.

✅Lastly we have Tricare Select which we don’t pay for because my husband is a retired marine. (So that one is always the secondary insurance and it’s been great because it covers IVF meds and picks up the remaining bills from the primary plans..)

I am scheduled for a deviated septum surgery in January which will be billed to both the primary and secondary plans and that should get us to max oop—I think…?

Does this seem smart/ doable?

I’m picking the lowest premiums highest deductible plans because we have the tricare plan to help us off set /pick up remaining costs?

Thoughts?? Suggestions?? Tips??

Any help and insight would be so appreciated!! Thanks so much for reading this post and for any help! ✨✨🥰🥰🙏🏻🙏🏻

submitted by /u/IVFwarrior18

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