27, a lot of health issues. Don’t know what insurance to get, I need help bad. Please read and I’ll be forever grateful for any insight

Ever since I started making 60K I got kicked off Medicaid, rightfully so. I’m currently a recovering addict, never got too bad but I used to mask a lot including health issues. These health issues will require PT, nerve block injections, an MRI in the future. Also, the medication I was put on has deteriorated my teeth pretty bad. They look fine and I always kept up with them but idk so far lots of cavities and a tooth extraction. I also have medication described monthly. SO, I was going to go for high usage health insurance, I’m being quoted at $350 a month which is fine because I have no bills but I truly don’t know what’s good or bad. I’ve accepted insurance overall is shitty, but is there anything I should be looking for in particular? I’ve heard ambetter buckeye health is pretty bad… idk. The clear silver plan is $365/month with a $5400 deductible no charge after deductible for anything if I’m understanding correctly?

submitted by /u/InevitableSwan7

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