26F in PA in need of health insurance…am I picking the right plan?

I turned 26 in July so I will be kicked off my parents plan in a few weeks.

We called our insurance broker who, when he got back to us, said there is nothing he can do to help. I have no idea what I’m doing and am finding this to be an overwhelming process. I’m not sure who else to ask for help.

I don’t have a job at the moment, at least in the governments eyes since it’s not on the books and I don’t pay taxes. So I don’t qualify for financial assistance through Pennie (Pennsylvania’s insurance marketplace).

I’m female. I don’t drink, smoke, or do drugs. I have no known conditions or chronic illnesses. I take no prescriptions. I basically just need something for yearly check-ups and in case of emergency.

I was comparing 3 plans through UPMC:

Catastrophic $9,100/$0 – Premium Network ($239.30/mo)

Bronze $6,700/$0 – Premium Network ($253.07/mo)

Silver $3,500/$60 – Premium Network ($301.80/mo)

My parents’ plan is UPMC Silver PPO so that’s why I was sticking with UPMC. It seems that my PCP will take all 3 plans though I will call to check tomorrow.

Is there anything I should know when choosing a plan? Anything I should be looking for or considering that I may be overlooking?
I was leaning towards the Bronze or Silver plans since they’re a step up from the bare minimum, is there one that’s better than another?

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

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