2025 Marketplace Enrollment changed our 2024 Nov/Dec minor children enrollments

Completed my enrollment for 2025 as soon as able (2 adults/2 dependent minors). We have a lower end income and this pushed my kids to the state’s (MO) tiered premium Medicaid program. However, the state changed the enrollment to being 11/1/2024. I guess when I did my projected income for 2025, the amount I entered bumped the kids to the program immediately assuming I made this amount this month. The premium is $36, which is what the whole family premium was on the Marketplace for 2024. The kids were referred to and then rejected for Medicaid last year b/c our income for the month of Dec. was too high. Thus we went back in and had to select a new plan once this happened.

Technically, does this mean I have to go back into Healthcare.Gov and update my and my spouse’s plan? If yes, doesn’t that mean the plan’s deductible counter will completely be starting over beginning 11/1?

I would be cheated to do this because we have already hit our deductible for the year and are close to our out of pocket maximum, and my spouse has a pretty large procedure scheduled for late December, and two specialist appts. in November already (assume the plan would be backdated to 11/1.

We really shouldn’t be on Medicaid, but our income flexes, and it’s the way the program works. I probably should have waited until 12/13 to enroll, but am guessing it would be the same outcome.


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