$200k for Surgical Center procedure

Hey. Long story short, my daughter had to have a procedure done for her teeth (putting a stainless steel crowns on her baby teeth) we couldn’t have it done at regular dentist office because she is only 3 and needed a couple of them put in place so her doctor recommended doing that under general anesthesia, we called the clinic they told us they work with and they have checked twice if we were in network and yes even my insurance confirmed that they are in network. We went through with the procedure and now we have received a claim for $172k from the clinic and it is marked out of network (which i might be responsible for) I contacted my insurance and the said that the clinic didnt add any rendering providers only billing and recommended me to call the clinic to resubmit the correct claim. Mind you the dentist and the crowns was covered thru a dentist insurance which is different one from medical , also anesthesia (on mouth) was also covered thru different claim. How come a clinic charged $172k for one hour of procedure (not even a dentist or anesthesia included in this?)

submitted by /u/angela421alex

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