On March 11, 2023, I went to the Urgent Care facility operated by my local non-profit healthcare network to be tested for strep throat and COVID. Since then, I have received six EOBs from my insurance company indicating that the healthcare network billed insurance $1980.81 for those services. Of that amount, $1161.71 was disallowed and $442.92 was paid for by insurance, leaving me with $376.18 to pay out of pocket. That seems exorbitant for two routine tests that took less than half an hour to administer. Did the healthcare network double bill something? It's very hard to tell from my end because the line items on my EOBs are all "LAB" or "OTHER SERVICES". It appears that the hospital billed once, Doctor #1 billed twice for office visits and once for an outpatient visit, and Doctor #2 billed twice for "LAB". The healthcare network has been hounding me for payment of $333.12 for "LABORATORY HOSPITAL CHARGES" but I'm not interested in paying them if insurance already has several times for the same visit. Any advice? This is all so opaque and frustrating. I've submitted a help ticket with my insurance company and am waiting to hear back.

submitted by /u/badinplaid19

See also  From Augusta – Making health care accessible and affordable - Press Herald