[17M] Recent high school graduate planning to move in with Girlfriend’s family from Utah to Ohio, I’m not sure what to do at all

So, like the title states, i just graduated high school and my plan is to move from Utah to Ohio to live with my girlfriend’s family because it would be rent free (woooo). I am currently on medicaid as a minor, but obviously if I want medicaid in another state I have to re-apply, and because I turn 18 in august, I’m not sure what my procedure should be. My parents have kinda just told me to figure it out, since they have a plan that only covers me if i’m in utah most likely. I am on the autism spectrum as well as having adhd and ocd so I have some meds and mental health needs, and I definitely wouldn’t be able to afford my vyvanse without insurance. So i’m just not sure what to do or where to look since I’m not sure if i should wait till im 18, or register while im still 17, or if i should do the paperwork to relocate my residence now or later or what.

Edit: I should probably mention im planning on doing online college for now at least for my general ed credits. I won’t have a job when I move there but it will probably be standard part time job, so income will be pretty low.

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