Me and my friend live in jersey.Almost 2 years ago my friend had surgery. She was diagnosed with gastritis and doctors found an area in her stomach lining that was being damaged. The surgery was needed to cut that part out. She didn't and doesn't have health insurance. At the hospital she went to she was able to get charity care. However That hospital didn’t tell her that the charity care was not gonna cover doctors fees. Ofcourse she had calls about billing but she notified them that it would take some time. Because of covid she didn't have her job anymore. Her husband is struggling to keep up with 4 kids, food and rent. And now her kidneys are starting to fail to the point where she has to go on dialysis soon. She's gone to a different hospital that has wayyy better charity care coverage. But that dept from the other hospital is still hunting her. She just received a letter in the mail that she is being sued for 15k. I've been helping out with with her medicine when I can. But im struggling as well. I've got a back injury preventing me from fully getting back to work. I know that she could file for bankruptcy but idk if that would actually help her more than hurt her. If anyone has any insight that could help her out please reply. The Healthcare system in NJ is full of shiii.

submitted by /u/hgracia78

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